Re: [Tracker] New website layout

On 05/10/09 10:16, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
Looks like nobody is yet making decisions regarding website. U guys
planning to expose 0.7 bits after 0.8 is released, since 0.7 is dev
series and 0.6 is prod series?

OK. I have been meaning to do this for a long time. I finally got some time this week to get started on it.

The first draft is available here:

If you want to checkout the branch I am using it is available here:

My initial thoughts about the work so far:

- I think the features page is a bit lacking something. Not sure if there should be more ontologies there or not. I don't have links for the Tracker specific ontologies of course. Ivan says he wants to add a documentation link there for all our ontologies. We can add that a bit later I think. As for other features under "technology" I think there are some things missing which I can't think of right now so any input here would be really appreciated.

- I am not sure if the "accessible" part on the features page is useful there.

- I realised we don't have any libtracker-client documentation. We should generate this the same way we do for the other 2 libs on the documentation page.

- I documented the architecture here:

  I would like to put these images up somewhere so others can see
  visually how things fit together.

- Is the about page good enough?

What do people think? I choose the colours from the original logo mostly. If anyone has any input on that too, that would be great.

I would like to get this up and running by the end of the week. It should just be a case of merging the branch to master for gnomeweb-wml.


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