Re: [Tracker] about the website

I believe this is the one:

Something I think people might appreciate is more detail about all the
dependencies. Something like, if you want tracker to be able to read the
tags in jpegs, install X, if you want it to be able to do pdfs, install
Y. Maybe a table would be useful?

The other two things that have given me trouble in the past was (1)
whether to uninstall the tracker version from my distro's repos first,
and (2) where to find the commands to start tracker once it is installed
(and which command actually starts it - is it trackerd, tracker-applet,
tracker?) I think the commands end up somewhere that isn't part of most
people's path too, so I had trouble getting it to GO.

It would be great to see these instructions get some polish. Default
tracker installations by Ubuntu (and I believe other distros) seriously
leave out a lot of tracker's power (no jpegs, pdfs, tiffs, etc). Better
instructions might lead to people using more of the program's code.


Michele Mattioni wrote on 05/18/2009 02:35 AM:
Which blog post?

If you have written somewhere (link please) we can update the page
with the new info.
We should be aware is not going to be outdated (that's why I prefer to
stick with the INSTALL in the git repo..)

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe
<tshepang gmail com> wrote:
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 16:03, Michael Lissner
<mlissner michaeljaylissner com> wrote:
As a tracker user, I'd add that the install instructions need some serious
shoring up. They basically say to  get the code, unpack it, and install it,
which is about 50% of what's involved. It might be helpful if it had
information about dependencies and different switches that can be applied
when compiling.

That, or it almost makes sense to me to take the install page down
altogether. It's really quite far from what it should be in order to get the
job done.
I'm planning to include info from your blog post on the install page.

my place on the web:


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