Re: [Tracker] [tracker svn trunk] tracker clobbering my tags after svn update, are not backed up to common.db

hi all,

 We have already a "backup" mechanism that export that user data to a
ttl file, and restores those data after reindex.

 Are you compiling tracker with libraptor enabled? It is only
optional, and this feature depends on it. If you have it, could you
also please check if there is a "tracker-user-data.ttl" file in
~/.local/share/tracker ?



On 3/21/09, Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com> wrote:
Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:

I use the svn trunk version, and after updating via "svn up" (built,
installed and restarted trackerd), I noticed, my tags were clobbered
(=deleted), again! How come?
Also, I noticed that the tags seem to be in
~/.cache/tracker/file-meta.db only and don't make it into common.db.

Database schema and version changed which means a reindex is forced. We
really should fix it though so personal data (like tags aren't included
in this). This is a legacy issue which needs resolving.

Sorry for the inconvenience here :(

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