[Tracker] MetaTracker Search Tool wish list item...

   It was a pleasant surprised to find MetaTrack as part of my
   Ubuntu installation and find it works very well indeed.  I've
   come across one minor issue that I haven't had any luck
   finding any mention of in the various sources I've searched.

   A minor suggestion/observation about the search tool...  When
   searching for something like:

        foobar bizbat

   it would seem to me to be more useful to give a higher score
   to files that contain both words, particular if they are in
   close proximity to each other, instead of ranking files higher
   because they have a higher frequency of 'foobar's *or* a lot
   of 'bizbat's.

   Thanks for creating and maintaining this useful utility, it
   often comes in handy for tracking down 'lost' files...


+-------------------------[ Bill Costa UNH EDU ]---+
| Bill Costa                                       |  No good
| 1 Leavitt Lane                 Voice:            |   deed...
|   CIS/Telecom -- 2nd Floor       +1-603-862-3056 |
|   University of New Hampshire                    |  Goes
| Durham, NH  03824       USA                      |   unpunished.
+---------------[ http://pubpages.unh.edu/~wfc/ ]--+

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