Re: [Tracker] Releasing Tracker 0.6.90

2009/1/29 Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com>:
2009/1/29 Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com>:
2009/1/29 Martyn Russell <martyn imendio com>:
Jamie McCracken wrote:
I think the crawling should be made more efficient wrt apps and
conversations - can you handle this? (IE use subfolder mtime to prevent
non-folder files from being checked)
Carlos found some nasty issues here with the mtime checking. I think he
committed a fix this afternoon for that.

mbiebl can you check those if you get a chance?
Will give it a try, thanks for looking into it!
The problems with applications and conversations seem to be fixed for me.

But just when I was happy about one issue being fixed, I noticed that
performance on removal is awful again:
Unpacking linux-2.6.28.tar.bz2 in $HOME takes tracker (r2862) around
20 minutes to index.
When I rm -rf linux-2.6.28/, it takes over an hour, with my cpu
constantly busy (i.e. max speed at 100%) :-/
That means it is faster to completely reindex my $HOME (takes 25min).

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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