Re: [Tracker] Plans for the src/plugins/evolution support, adding a plugin for KMail

Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Philip Van Hoof <spam pvanhoof be> wrote:
Hi there,

I plan to change the namespaces of the src/plugins/evolution and the
specification that can be found here:
to more generic forms (remove the GNOME and Evolution pieces).

I also plan to implement a KMail plugin that works in the same way.
Perhaps will this one be done using Akonadi instead, but I'm not sure
about this yet (I need to consult with the KMail developers on this).

After that we/I might also add a plugin for Thunderbird and Modest.

No promises, just plans. But if somebody wants to join on these items by
contributing, he/she can get in touch with me.
What releases are you targetting? 0.6.9x or 0.7?
Personally, I don't tend to think of it like that at all. From my point 
of view, I would like to get 0.6.90 done by next week and then possibly 
do some releases every month or so after that until we are happy with a 
0.7 suitable release.
If this gets in before 0.7, that's great, but I don't think it should be 
a requirement.

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