Re: [Tracker] nfo:belongsToDataContainer

Hi Ivan, and thank you for you reply :)

"Models the containment relations between Files and Folders (or

I think a File can be only in one folder or inside one compressed file, so
no need to make it multiple-valued. If you have any use-case in mind that
would need multiple values please comment.

Having the same item in different places is one of the basic concepts
in our project (itsme [1]) and I was trying to use as many concepts
from standard ontologies as possible: I agree that currently Files and
Folders are used like that but still apparently that constraint does
not come from the original Nepomuk ontology and, at least from a
compatibility point of view, it seems to me "bad" to have it
introduced in tracker.

Back to my problem: what I am trying to model/define is something
alike to virtual folders (or call it views, filters, smart folders,
...), and therefore it seems reasonable to me to have multiple
belongsTo value. I have considered using concepts like Tags to
implement this idea, but actually it wouldn't work because we'll also
have tags within our virtual folders, so I need something else... and
I'd rather not use proprietary definitions (even if, actually, what I
am trying to implement is a "proprietary" concept).



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