Re: [Tracker] Some memory leaks

On 08/08/09 03:24, Tuukka Hastrup wrote:

Hi all!


I did some testing on Tracker 0.7 head and hit some memory leaks. With
valgrind memcheck and massif, I've spotted two problems in the code, but
I don't think I can fix them with my current experience:

Yea, same here recently. Thanks for taking the time to do this!

1. Unreachable memory according to memcheck

The source is this statement at
foreach (Property prop in Ontology.get_properties ())

The result of the following call is never freed at
tracker_ontology_get_properties ();

This is given in src/libtracker-common/libtracker-common.vapi as:
[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
public weak Property[] get_properties ();

The implementation at src/libtracker-common/tracker-ontology.c does:
return g_memdup (properties->data, sizeof (TrackerProperty *) *
(properties->len + 1));

This looks similar to the tracker-sparql-query.vala bug with get_namespace leak I found recently on line ~314

If this is the same thing, it is a known problem and a Vala bug.
It is on our roadmap to be fixed by Jurg:

2. Quickly growing heap usage according to massif

I noticed that tracker-storage began to grow a few megabytes per second
while running this in shell:
src/tracker-utils/tracker-sparql -q "SELECT * WHERE { ?p rdf:type
nie:InformationElement . }" |xargs -l1 src/tracker-utils/tracker-info

I learned on IRC that it's a known problem that the cache
TrackerDBInterfaceSqlitePrivate.dynamic_statements keeps growing, and
shrinking it isn't implemented yet. I still wonder if these long queries
by tracker-info should actually be cached as a single query, as the only
part of the query changing is one constant (repeated in many places in
the query though): e.g. "WHERE ID = 683" vs. "WHERE ID = 777".

Jurg, any idea about this one?


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