Re: [Tracker] Documentation for tracker-query?

Hi Jens,

Check the properties in

The .metadata files contain the definition of the properties, and
.service file the description of the categories.

 You have also some methods in the DBus API of the daemon to query the
available props and categories: In org.freedesktop.Tracker.Metadata ->
GetRegisteredClasses, GetRegisteredTypes



On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Jens Lechtenboerger
<lechten helios uni-muenster de> wrote:
Hi there,

I'm looking for documentation on tracker-query.

The "example queries in the RDF-Query-examples folder" promised in
the README.gz of /usr/share/doc/tracker-utils/ on Ubuntu 8.04 are
missing.  Nevertheless, I found some at:

Then I found a spec for meta-data attributes at:

However, one of the sample queries uses File:Mime, which is not
listed in the spec.  What is available?

Then, the tracker-search-tool sorts results into "categories".  How
would I find, say, all Music files with tracker-query?

Thanks in advance
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