Re: [Tracker] URI support

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 15:00 +0100, JÃrg Billeter wrote:
On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 08:48 -0500, Jamie McCracken wrote:
On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 13:55 +0100, JÃrg Billeter wrote:

Tracker currently uses a mix of local file paths and URIs and they are
used in different encodings and sometimes split into dirname and
basename and sometimes not. I've been working on the uri branch in SVN
to clean up the confusion.

The Path column in the Services table has been replaced by a Uri column
which stores the full URI, not just the dirname as was the case before.
The Name column stays the same but is not used anymore to identify a
service. To accommodate the database changes, I had to increase the
database version, which means that Tracker will perform a reindexing.
Functions in libtracker-data that had dirname and basename parameters
now have a uri parameter as they are not only used for files.

pls restore path and name (and composite index on the two) in db  - we
need this so we can quickly find files in a particular folder. 

that was the only reason they were split up like that in the db

also would be very difficult to find files in a directory excluding
subdirectories if we just stored URI and not path/name
The issue with that is that this will not work for URIs in general, it
only works for some URI schemes. If you keep the split, Tracker won't be
able to support generic URIs. In my opinion, we should better try to
find a solution to the mentioned issues.
It should work fine with generic URIs - they can all be decomposed to a
path and name. Remember path is just a string and has no particular
meaning in tracker

Are you sure that searching files in a particular folder will be
significantly slower? The Uri column is indexed, searching for items
starting with a specific base URI should be very fast. I can perform
benchmarks if necessary but I don't see a reason why a UNIQUE (Path,
Name) index should be faster than a UNIQUE (Uri) index for that query.
well I cant say for sure it will be slower as btrees store it in
alphabetical order but as I said thats not the only reason for it...

Searching files in a directory excluding subdirectories will be a bit
more complicated. I don't know of a use case for that right now. Can you
describe where this is useful, so I can try to find an alternative
solution for that, then. Many other queries are quite a bit simpler with
the full Uri column.

file manager is the use case im thinking of (not sure if it applies to
philip's tracker powered file manager thingy? But even so i plan on
creating one!)

theres just no way you can do it fast and efficiently without separate

I accept it makes the code a little more complex but its worth it for
the use case IMO



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