Re: [Tracker] Indexer-split branch now requires sqlite 3.5

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 15:34 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
Hi there,

We bumped the version of sqlite to 3.5 in the indexer-split branch
because we require --enable-threadsafe, and 3.4 doesn't guarantee this
(for example for packaged versions of libsqlite3)

If there's a way to determine whether a packaged version has threadsafe
enabled, then we could of course use that as a check too.

all the distros ship threadsafe versions of sqlite 3

note sqlite 3.5 is different as it allows a single instance to be used
among multiple threads earlier version do not allow this and each thread
had to create its own database connection. 

we will probably want sqlite 3.5 so bumping up the requirements is ok


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