Re: [Tracker] Tracker daemon/indexer responsibilities

On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 15:17 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:

the desktop/ini file will contain fields for :

directories to watch
recursive directories to watch
ignore directories regex
files to index regex
files to ignore regex
index executable
index module name
file mime types
service name

we may also need a user config file for each module/executable which the
index content will use

mod specific settings

Hmm, as we speak we are writing a GKeyFile type approach (similar to a
.desktop file) outside of the .desktop file for modules.


From what you have listed there are are you talking about extending the
desktop file format for Tracker?

Where you have "regex" there, do you mean using the GPatternSpec API
which we currently do or using a real regex? (Possibly the using GRegex)

ïGPatternSpec would be ok for now. I dont know if there will be a
requirement for regex in the future

My feeling at this point (so we can get on) is to just write the code to
get this information from another place (we have in mind
$prefix/share/tracker/modules) and use that for now, then perhaps we can
move over to .desktop files (with the GKeyFile the move should be faily
quick given the API won't change we will just point the code at
different files).

thats fine


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