Re: [Tracker] [Xesam] Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

Dumped the information of this thread to

Feel free to edit/complete the information!


On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Quim Gil <quimgil gmail com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Urho Konttori <urho konttori nokia com> wrote:
As Quim Gil said, we'd need a rough count to see how many we can sponsor.
Rough count and city/country of origin!!! Very important to estimate budget.

Also, you need to find someone in Berlin or surrounding to help with
the accommodation.
I tried to start editing but I get a weird unchanged page no matter
how many times I press edit. Stupid me? Can be.  :)

As a second possibility you have - login not required.

But please start a wiki page to have a single point for documentation
and discussion. Now it's a nightmare to follow all you guys.  :)

In practical terms, we could agree on this: please deliver a draft
list before the end of Friday. With this I can make rough nu,bers and
tell you if we can include more, less...


Quim Gil ///
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