Re: [Tracker] Partial matching - different behavior on Fedora 8 and Ubuntu 7.10

Yoichi Aso wrote:

I'm having a problem with partial matching on Ubuntu 7.10.

I have installed tracker 0.6.3 on a desktop machine running Fedora 8 as well as on a laptop running Ubuntu 
I used their official packages to install tracker.

On both machines, I have a file containing a string LIGO-T980044-10.
When I search T980044 on the Fedora machine, tracker returns the pointer to the document correctly.
However, when I performed the same search on the Ubuntu machine, tracker returned nothing.

I'd like to know what causes those different behaviors.
I like (of course) Fedora's behavior.

Could you try with the 0.6.4 packages for Gutsy from ?

Perhaps Fedora is backporting a patch from 0.6.4.


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