Re: [Tracker] tracker web frontend

On Jan 5, 2008 11:28 PM, Michael Biebl <mbiebl gmail com> wrote:
2008/1/2, Ryan Wynn <bigwynnr gmail com>:


I coded an ajax front end for tracker using pylons and the dbus
bindings.  Would anyone be interested in taking this as a
contribution?  Would I simply need to attach the code to a ticket?

Right now it handles displaying and paging through the results.  You
can also filter by category by clicking on links on the left side.
The preview/details of the result are not yet implemented.

Sounds interesting.
Do you have the code somewhere so we can test it/play with it?

I created a project for it on google code.  You can check it out here:

Let me know if you like it.  At the moment I think it just depends on
pylons, python-dbus and python-id3. And of course tracker ;)



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