Re: [Tracker] Merging Turtle branch to Trunk

On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 12:54 +0000, Martyn Russell wrote:

I will attach a new patch as soon as Ivan fixed issues #13 and #15

#1, Didn't we decide to depend on Raptor? If so, we don't need the 
AC_DEFINE right?

+# Check for Raptor
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(RAPTOR, [raptor], have_raptor=yes, have_raptor=no)
+if test x$have_raptor == "xyes"; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_RAPTOR, 1, [Raptor RDF parsers])

It's not decided yet if raptor should become a mandatory dependency in
TRUNK just yet.

#2. This definitely looks like a leak to me, since the "break" will 
leave the while() loop and the volume is freed ONLY in the opposite 
condition. Or am I missing something here?

+     while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
+             LibHalVolume  *volume;
+             const gchar   *udi;
+             const gchar   *mp;
+             udi = key;
+             volume = libhal_volume_from_udi (priv->context, udi);
+             if (!volume) {
+                     g_message ("HAL device with udi:'%s' has no volume, "
+                                "should we delete?",
+                                udi);
+                     continue;
+             }
+             mp = libhal_volume_get_mount_point (volume);
+             if (g_strcmp0 (mp, path) != 0) {
+                     if (g_strrstr (path, mp)) {
+                             found = TRUE;
+                             if (mount_point)
+                                     *mount_point = g_strdup (mp);
+                             if (available)
+                                     *available = libhal_volume_is_mounted (volume);
+                             break;
+                     }
+             }
+             libhal_volume_free (volume);

Ah yes I see it now. Fixed.

#3. We are checking the same thing twice here:

      field = tracker_ontology_get_field_by_name (field_name);

+     if (!field) {
+             g_warning ("Field name '%s' has isn't described in the ontology", 
+             return;
+     }
+     field = tracker_ontology_get_field_by_name (field_name);
      g_return_if_fail (TRACKER_IS_FIELD (field));
      g_return_if_fail (tracker_field_get_multiple_values (field) == TRUE);


#4. I still don't like the Config and Language being static here. We 
already initialise the data module with them in 
tracker_data_manager_init (), why not just call 
tracker_data_manager_get_config() and 
tracker_data_manager_get_language() respectively?

+typedef struct {
+     TrackerService *service;
+     guint32 iid_value;
+     TrackerLanguage *language;
+     TrackerConfig *config;
+} ForeachInMetadataInfo;
+static TrackerConfig   *config = NULL;
+static TrackerLanguage *language = NULL;

Fixed (first time I hear about those methods, but they are indeed
exactly what I needed for this)

#5. Shouldn't we be adding the Service type == Folder check here before 
doing anything recursive?

+     if (service_id != 0) {
+             tracker_data_update_delete_service (service, service_id);
+             tracker_data_update_delete_service_recursively (service, (gchar *) path);
+             tracker_data_update_delete_all_metadata (service, service_id);
+     }


#6. Extra spaces here, there are further down in the patch for this file 

+             GList *list;
+             for (list = value; list; list = list->next)
+                     set_metadata (field, list->data, user_data);
+     }


#7. Can we remove these preprocessor operatives? and/or the debug 
statement itself? If not, we can always improve the debugging to 
actually mean something in the context of all the other logging.

+             g_debug ("Q ERROR: %s\n", error->message);
+#endif /* TURTLE_DEBUG */


#8. Since we decided to depend on Raptor, we can remove the #ifdefs in 
the tracker-turtle.[ch] I think. There are also a lot of code block 
blank lines which are not necessary.

This is undecided

#9. Include order should be system, highest dependency -> lowest 
dependency. i.e. these should be the opposite way round in the 

+#include <libtracker-data/tracker-data-metadata.h>
+#include <stdio.h>

#10. Coding style, indentation, and again, stmt isn't a good name for a 
public typedef struct, can we call it something sensible like 
TrackerTurtleStatement? We shouldn't need the #idefs there too if we 
depend on Raptor.

+typedef struct {
+  gconstpointer subject;
+  gint subject_type;
+  gconstpointer predicate;
+  gint predicate_type;
+  gconstpointer object;
+  gint object_type;
+  gpointer object_literal_datatype;
+  const guchar *object_literal_language;
+} stmt;

Renamed to TrackerRaptorStatement

#11. Can we avoid comments in line like this, it looks ugly, it is 
better to have it above the function or not at all.

+void        tracker_turtle_add_metadatas   (TurtleFile          *turtle,
+                                         GPtrArray /* <TrackerTurtleMetadataItem> */ *metadata_items);


#12. There are some serious coding style issues in 
tracker-removable-device.c. We could probably also use g_strcmp0() in a 
lot of places to reduce the code down a bit and make it easier to read. 
That's really not completely necessary though for this patch to get 

All strcmp()s are now g_strcmp0()s.

#13. Is this a leak, looks like only str is freed, not service_type in 
the if (!field):

+             gchar *str = NULL;
+             gchar *uri;
+             gchar *service_type;
+             g_value_init (&transform, G_TYPE_STRING);
+             tracker_db_result_set_get (result_set, 0, &uri, -1);
+             tracker_db_result_set_get (result_set, 1, &service_type, -1);
+             tracker_db_result_set_get (result_set, 2, &metadata_id, -1);
+             tracker_db_result_set_get (result_set, 3, &str, -1);
+             field = tracker_ontology_get_field_by_id (metadata_id);
+             if (!field) {
+                     g_critical ("Field id %d in database but not in tracker-ontology",
+                                 metadata_id);
+                     g_free (str);
+                     return;
+             }

Ivan will fix this

#14. There is no need to cast here in trackerd/tracker-main.c for 

+     gulong *callback_id = (gulong *)user_data;
+     GError *error;
+     static gint counter = 0;


#15. The || condition should be on the right here, also, this whole code 
block would be nicer in another function I think - which I commented on 
in my previous mail.

+         || g_file_test (get_ttl_backup_filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {

Ivan will fix this

Other than that, good work guys. I think we should try to get this 
commit this week!

Philip Van Hoof, freelance software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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