Re: [Tracker] tracker-indexer does not index all files

This is quite strange, Philip and me have been thinking a while and
can't identify what could cause this. There are a few open questions:

- Was it scanning a summary/mbox?
- In that case, was is just opened for indexing, or did it happen in the
middle of the processing
- Does valgrind complain about something obvious?

If you can reproduce it, I'd recommend removing all modules but
evolution in $prefix/share/tracker/modules/ (mostly to save some time),
delete everything in ~/.cache/tracker and run the indexer like:

G_SLICE=always_malloc valgrind --leak-check=full ./tracker-indexer -p -v 3

that should also save every debug message to
~/.local/share/tracker/tracker-indexer.log, it'd also be useful to see
the last messages before the crash.

Another potential crasher - unlike trunk get_file_content does no utf-8
validation and also if file is bigger than MAX_TEXT cuts it off which is
likely to not land on a valid utf-8 word break

ideally do what trunk does and read file line by line so that we will
never have a partial utf-8 fragment and the resulting text can be
validated and converted from locale to utf-8 if necessary

ïThis needs to be fixed prior to merge!


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