[Tracker] A pythonic API for the interface Tracker.Keywords

Hello all,

I have created one module 'tracker.keywords' that wraps the DBus
interface 'Keywords' through a Pythonic API (via attachment).

The 'search' function uses a generator along with the 'offset'
parameter to do lazy-live-search, where the files are fetched as
needed by batches of '$step' entries.

The class 'Keywords' has the interface of a 'set' (where possible). So
manipulating keywords of a certain filename (or tracker-id) becomes
very natural.

I have done this code only for pleasure, since I love programming in
Python. I think it might be of some use, thus I am sending it to the
mailling list. Oh, and I am not using this code for anything --- other
than playing with Tracker's API --- so it will bit-rot in my harddrive
if you dont want it.

PS: please CC me as I am not in the list.

Attachment: __init__.py
Description: Text Data

Attachment: keywords.py
Description: Text Data

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