Re: [Tracker] a small patch to fix sqlite ERROR for trunk


 Fixed in the svn. 

 Sorry for the inconvenience,


El miÃ, 09-04-2008 a las 16:36 +0800, ext Jerry Tan escribiÃ:
When I build tracker trunk and run it today, I found that
it always prompts ERROR like this

ERROR: prepared query GetMimePrefixForServiceId not found
ERROR: incorrect no of parameters 1 supplied to GetMimePrefixForServiceId
ERROR: parameter 0 could not be bound to GetMimePrefixForServiceId
ERROR: execution of prepared query GetMimePrefixForServiceId failed due 
to not an error with return code 21

and I check the code, with the patch.

Index: data/sqlite-stored-procs.sql
--- data/sqlite-stored-procs.sql    (revision 1258)
+++ data/sqlite-stored-procs.sql    (working copy)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 InsertMimePrefixes replace into FileMimePrefixes (MimePrefix) Values (?);
 GetMimeForServiceId select Mime from FileMimes where ServiceTypeId = ?;
-GetMimePrefixeForServiceId select MimePrefix from FileMimesPrefix where 
ServiceTypeId = ?;
+GetMimePrefixForServiceId select MimePrefix from FileMimePrefixes where 
ServiceTypeId = ?;
 ExistsPendingFiles select count (*) from FilePending where Action <> 20;
 InsertPendingFile INSERT INTO FilePending (FileID, Action, PendingDate, 
FileUri, MimeType, IsDir, IsNew, RefreshEmbedded, RefreshContents, 
ServiceTypeID) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);

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