Re: [Tracker] [Announce] Tracker 0.6.3

On 9/25/07, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Im pleased to announce a new version of tracker


The new index merging seems to work really great! But I've found a
rather nasty problem in the new release:

It seems that there has been created a new database for cached stuff.
But when searching for text it doesn't seem to work since the join now
effects two different databases.

grep -rns SearchResult *
Binary file trackerd matches
tracker-db-sqlite.c:3131:               tracker_exec_proc (db_con,
"DeleteSearchResults1", 0);
tracker-db-sqlite.c:3148:               /* we save results into
SearchResults table instead of returing an array of array of strings
tracker-db-sqlite.c:3154:                       tracker_exec_proc
(db_con, "InsertSearchResult1", 2, str_id, str_score);
Binary file tracker-db-sqlite.o matches
tracker-rdf-query.c:1103:               g_string_append_printf
(data.sql_from, "\n FROM %s S INNER JOIN SearchResults1 M ON S.ID =
M.SID ", table_name);
Binary file tracker-rdf-query.o matches

The first two can be fixed by using db_con->cache instead of db_con,
but the last is not so easy since one can do a join across two
databases ;-)

Anders Rune Jensen

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