Re: [Tracker] Tracker -.0.6.3 version needs testing prior to release

On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 01:45 +0200, Laurent Aguerreche wrote:
Le dimanche 23 septembre 2007 Ã 14:12 +0100, jamie a Ãcrit :
Hi All,

the next version of tracker is sitting in svn (there are still a few bug
fixes to apply but should be stable for the most part)

this version implements index merging which dramatically improves speed
and scalability of indexing (as well as eliminating fragmentation and
disk IO issues0. 250 MB of linux kernel source was indexed in less than
8 minutes so it should index large amounts in very short time)

because of that there are some major changes in the way things ar e
handled so it really needs a lot of thorough testing before release

we use by default a 16MB word cache as each flush produces a separate
mini-index which are later all merged together to form the main index.
Search results will only be available after the first flush and no new
search results will be added from subsequent flushes until merging is

so please can you test the following:

1) index as normal (no need to use --reindex - it should reindex itself

My previous experience with trackerd going around 180Mo tends to say
that there could be a problem there... More testing needed.

2) keep an eye on memory usage - there may be a few leaks but it should
plateau around 30mb

It is more 50Mo or something... Did you introduce Mono, Java or Python
somewhere in trackerd?  ;-)

im fixing this - email indexing causes the most memory usage!

3) after index test makking changes to files and moving stuff around

I moved ~440Mo of code sources/html from one directory to another and
trackerd stayed stuck with CPU 100% several seconds (I had to kill

thats bound to be slow moving around that many files!

if it stayed stuck for a few secs I would say its ok

4) do source checkouts so that lots of files are overwritten in one go
and pay attention to speed/slowdown of system

It seems to be better than before but I still have emacs freezing
sometimes when I want to save a file.

the freezes should be less than a few secs?

also can you tell if freezes occur when indexing files or emails? (i
suspect emails) or are confined to merging (where heaviest disk IO

5) create lots of new files and make sure its fast and new results show

New files are not shown very fast...

thats ok so long as they are shown and indexing of these new files is

pls also run with -f in gdb ss thta you can get me backtraces for
non-crash errors (as well as crashed ones!)

if all goes well I will release tomorrow...

I think we should not!

well we will see tomorrow night!

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