Re: [Tracker] Tracker -.0.6.3 version needs testing prior to release

Le dimanche 23 septembre 2007 Ã 18:44 +0100, jamie a Ãcrit :
On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 19:18 +0200, Laurent Aguerreche wrote:

2) keep an eye on memory usage - there may be a few leaks but it should
plateau around 30mb

I did not do a reindex but let trackerd do it automatically and now it
uses ~ 67Mo :-/
Oops, now it is 180Mo! I will try a test with GProf...

yeah thats excessive - memory leaks need plugging. 

I will valgrind soon...

btw was that without kmail? 


3) after index test making changes to files and moving stuff around

4) do source checkouts so that lots of files are overwritten in one go
and pay attention to speed/slowdown of system

5) create lots of new files and make sure its fast and new results show

pls also run with -f in gdb ss thta you can get me backtraces for
non-crash errors (as well as crashed ones!)

I found one...

I have a file with a very big line (see attachment -- found in Ogre3D
source code) which makes trackerd crash around line 2890
(tracker_error() called due to value of "end") in tracker-db-sqlite.c
because no carriage-return is found in the buffer...

bloody hell!

I cant believe people code like that!


anyway it a valid error which cannot be fixed and is not a crasher (-f
option forces errors to crash/abort)


if all goes well I will release tomorrow...

Some weeks ago I talked about some stop-words like "hello" that are not
found anymore. Is it possible to fix that?

yes - see

let me know which words you want to remove before you change that (I
guess hello can go)

Indeed I would prefer to keep all stop-words "searchable". I imagine
someone who do not speak english but have one or two documents wrote in
english who would like to find them. I think this person may try to
search some usual words like "hello", "because", "with", etc. but those
words are currently stop-words.



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