Re: [Tracker] [PATCH] sanitizing tracker-handler behavior when t-s-t is missing

2007/9/11, Marcus Fritzsch <fritschy googlemail com>:

here is the patch for the bug reported in the debian BTS[1] regarding
tracker-handler and t-s-t being missing. With this patch,
tracker-handler shows a gtk dialog on the first  entered search when
t-s-t is missing and no action will be taken.

This report affects only the deskbar <2.19 handler as with the new
deskbar prerequisites for different handlers in one file are handled

Cheers, Marcus


As I mentioned on IRC, I don't think it is a good idea to bring up a warning dialog on every user session. The fast, but ugly, solution is just  to have a warning printed to stdout (deskbar < 2.19 does not have a logging system) .

A more correct solution seems to address what I see in  line 394, of :

        #'requirements': TrackerSearchToolHandler.requirements, # XXX makes deskbar 2.18.1 not load the handler!!

commented out - the correct solution seems more to fix this. No?


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