[Tracker] [PATCH] Unify the file monitoring


currently tracker_add_watch_dir ()/ tracker_remove_watch_dir()/... are
declared at several places.
This patches merges tracker-fam.h and tracker-inotify.h into a single
file tracker-watch.h.
The *.c files have been simplified and now only have to #include
I also removed the declaration of this functions from
src/trackerd/tracker-db-sqlite.h and instead used #include

This way we avoid duplication and have a single place where the watch
functions are declared.

Please review and add comments. If there are no complaints, I'm going
to commit this soon.

I also intended to move line 139-150 in src/trackerd/trackerd.c
(everything between #ifdef POLL_ONLY #endif) into a separate file
tracker-poll.c. This way we would have a nice separation between
declaration and implementation of the watch functions.
If there is agreement here, I will create a separate resp. updated
patch for that.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Attachment: tracker-watch.patch
Description: Text Data

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