Re: [Tracker] Announce: Nemo 0.1

Jesper Andersen a Ãcrit :

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:39 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
On 28/11/2007, Anders Rune Jensen <anders iola dk> wrote:
You can find more information and screenshots here:
Looks insanely sweet. 
Sorry for the noise but... 

I simply must agree on the above statement. This looks like the
application I have always wished I'd have. I am running gentoo and have
not had the time to compile nemo yet, but looking at the webpage made
me really want to use this application.
Yep, I've just tested it on Gusty (32bit) and that's fantastic...  even
if it is written with mono ;) (huge CPU/memory usage during the reindex
phase makes my laptop freezes)  <--troll detected-->

By the way, is there a bugtracker for nemo ?


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