Re: [Tracker] Matlab m-files content indexing.

jamie wrote:

On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 18:03 +0100, Jason Farquhar wrote:
So my question is, is there some way of adding this mime-type to the
list of file-types who's contents are indexed by tracker.  I've noticed
that there is a /usr/lib/tracker/filters directory which seems to
contain shell-scripts for filtering different file types.  Should I just
write a 'null' filter here (which just dumps the un-filtered text data)
with the name x-matlab_filter to get tracker to index this mime type?
Or is there more to it than that?

in general yes that should work however - if not let us know

OK, thanks for the prompt reply and that seems to work... in so far as the 
contents of the text/x-matlab
files is now indexed.   However, they seem to be indexed into the
"Other" service.  So my next question is how do I add new mime types to
the "Development" service.  Again I've noticed that in the file:
seems to contain information about how different services are indexed
and which mime-types correspond to each service.  So tried the simple
approach of adding text/x-matlab to the development section of this file
-- but this seemed to have *no* effect.  Is this to be expected?

I then tried searching through the source code (for 0.6.3) for where the
"real" mime -> service mapping is stored and found another
mime->Development service mapping in the file
This mapping seems to be hard-coded in this file.  So is this how the
mime -> service mapping is achieved rather than through a configuration
file?  And more directly for my problem, do I just add text/x-matlab to
the development_mime_types array and re-build to add this type to the
service mapping?

Thanks again,


Dr. Jason Farquhar                  jdrf tuebingen mpg de
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics    Tel:(+49)7071 601 530
Spemannstrasse 38, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany        Fax:(+49)7071 601 552
"Let it be their claim, that if they have not discovered all 
truth, they have discovered and settled some truth -- while 
they have not promulgated much error, or wasted their 
strength in rearing showy fabrics, admired in one age and 
taken down the next."

-James McCosh (1811-1894), The Scottish Philosophy (1875)

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