[Tracker] what's the plan for tags and metadata in Tracker?

Hi everyone,

I'd like to contribute to the support of tags and metadata in Tracker...
since this is especially relevant to me.

My ultimate goal would be to have a tag-aware desktop, with integrated
- file savers guis suggesting and storing tags for files being saved;
- file choosers guis using tags, self-completion and metadata for
opening files;
- tags and metada kept when files are moved/copied;
- semantic-based file system, no folders but rather queries that present
different views on the same data;
- same for other apps: browser bookmarks, mail sorting, adress book sorting;
- possible integration with semantic web technologies for improving the
share of annotations, tags and metadata: ontology-based tagging would be
possible, a.o.

and so on... but other people wrote/did much about it, such as

Is all work in Tracker following the Xesam Roadmap or is there other
place I should stick to to have an idea of the ongoing work?

If anyone would like some (small) help in his ongoing work feel free to
drop a mail by, I'll gladly have a look.


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