[Tracker] Tools to evaluate Tracker performances...

Hi all!

I would like to give you some material me and my group developed during our College Course of Information Retrieval. The work is about desktop search performance evaluation, and, in our case, Tracker performances. We developed a little software (GPL Licence, even if not specified in the source code) that is able to automatically submit several queries (taken from the TimeRevised collection) to tracker-search. The output is a file that Trec_Eval is able to get in input.

Here you are the material, the programs with their source code, and several performance analysis reports of Tracker (unfortunately only in Italian).
Here you are some documents about what the work is about, and about the usage of Trec_Eval (always in Italian):
Some infos about Trec:

During the following weeks I'll be a bit busy, but if you have any question about usage and so on don't mind to ask me! When I'll have a little free time I'll answer as soon as possible!

Bye, bye, and thank you for your great work in OSS!

P.S.: sorry about my "poor" english. :-)

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