[Tracker] Fwd: Question about running tracker.

Why did I send this only to Don?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tshepang Lekhonkhobe <tshepang gmail com>
Date: Mar 15, 2007 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Tracker] Question about running tracker.
To: don rozenberg gmail com

On 3/15/07, Don Rozenberg <rozen mcn org> wrote:

I just download 0.5.4 source and build and installed it in /usr/local.
I am running Kubuntu 6.06 and I have a couple of questions.

1.  It seems to configure giving the following result:


        prefix:                                 /usr/local
        source code location:                   .
        compiler:                               gcc
        enable gcc warnings:                    yes
        build with debug symbols:               no
        database engine:                        SQLite
        file monitor backend to be used:        inotify
        inotify header location:                linux/inotify.h
        ioprio support:                         no
        build search tool (GNOME):              no

Metadata extractors:

        pdf:                                    yes
        png:                                    yes
        exif (jpeg):                            yes
        gsf:                                    yes
        video files:                            ? (An external video
player will be called)

How do I get it to build the search tool?  There are "missing" messages
from configure relevant to GNOME or the GUI.  In fact it builds the
makefile for tracker-search-tool but make never goes there.

Install GNOME -dev packages which should be quite a number (maybe
there's a metapackage for for your OS).

* add 'deb-src http://debs.michaelbiebl.de/ dapper main' to your
* run 'sudo apt-get update',
* run 'sudo apt-get build-dep tracker-search-tool' which should pull
in the build dependencies to get TST to build
* check out the README file before rebuilding that Tracker of things;
http://www.gnome.org/projects/tracker/start.html might be of use too

2. I have the bulk of my personal files in a separate partition
"/usr-files/rozen" and in my home directory "/home/rozen" I have
symbolic links to various directories in "/usr-files/rozen"
Apparently,  tracker does not follow symbolic links; it doesn't seem to
index any of those files.


I went into ~/.Tracker/tracker/cfg and added ";/usr-files/rozen, but
nothing seemed to happen when I saved the file.  I then used kill to
terminate trackerd and restarted it.  But it still does appear to do
anything different.  How can I get those additional files indexed?  Is
there a command to get tracker to restart with the new config? The line
in th config file is:


Are you sure you killed it as in kill -9?

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