Re: [Tracker] Tracker Marketing - part 2

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 17:58 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:

This remember me an idea about preferences tool. I like to have a more
simple preferences tool with just 2 tabs, Services and Resources:
Services tab should be something like the Apple Spotlight Search Results
tab[1], a list of know and managed services with checkboxes to disable
them. Something like

    [x] Applications
    [x] Audio & Music
    [x] Documents
    [x] Email messages
    [x] Folders
    [x] Images
    [x] Videos

If you uncheck the "Audio & Video" option, all tracker known audio file
will be ignored in indexing (and removed from database if yet indexed).
Same for "Email messages": un-checking the option, tracker will enable
all managed email sources (Evolution, KMail, Thunderbird). Maybe it's a
row way to do, but it's simple for end-user and very GNOME-ish. If you
need to exclude special patterns, you are geek enough to do it in
configuration file[2].

A similar approach in Resources tab: instead of 2 lists, one for places
to add, one for places to exclude, a single simple tree like:

|  V Indexed resources                        |  [  Add Resource  ]
|      Home Directory                         |  
|      Evolution Inbox                        |  [ Ignore Resource]
|      /usr/share/docs/                       |
|      smb://Condivisi                        |  [Remove from List]
|  V Ignored resources                        |
|      /home/luca/tmp                         |
|      /home/luca/Desktop/Downloaded          |
|      email://inbox/tracker-mailing-list     |

      ^-- table with expanders                      ^--- buttons
          like in keyboard shortcut
          preference tool

Home Directory and Evolution Inbox are added by default, but users
should be able to remove them and add again; when the Indexing resource
is empty, the Tracker database should be cleaned, so readding Home
Directory resource Tracker will create index from scratch.

these external filters can be ditributed with the client app. EG GIMP
would distribute it and install it in /usr/share/tracker/services.

Now, if you like to provide this kind of preferences tool, with the
ability do disable a service, you should define something to exclude the
custom GIMP extractor if the user uncheck the Images option.

Something like in Alacarte: if you disable a Category (for example
Internet) all applications in it will disappear from menus (Epiphany,
Firefox, Liferea...)

This is alreadyplanned - I intend to copy the deskbar plugin selector
for this and add a services tab (dunno about a resource tab?)

again this needs the external services support where the desktop files
contain translations for service descriptions before we can implement


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