[Tracker] results missing in filename search

Befere all, thanks everyone for the really good work you're doing, I hope I'll be able to contribute sometimes :)
I have some doubts 'bout the filename indexing... in fact when i try to search
#tracker-search fattura
I get that result:
/home/disgustingangel/asd/disgustingangel/Desktop/Fattura Pride S.P.A._esenzione ritenuta d'acconto.xls
but when i try:
$tracker-search gennaio
i get:
/media/hda3/Lavoro/Fattura Pride gennaio 2007.xls

Every of those 2 files contains in the filename and also in the contents the word "Fattura"...

Why does the 1st query not show up the second file?

I noticed that the results comes as expected if I save a copy of the "Fattura Pride gennaio 2007.xls" file as opendocument...
so I started to think about a problem with excel "format", but i suppose trackerd indexes filenames too...am I wrong?



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