[Tracker] [BUG] tracker-tag does not list all keywords


I found that tracker-tag does not list all keywords when no files were
given. However it does some work on the database but somehow no
results are returned.

,-----snip, example-----
 | [pts/6,0,0] m tau [tracker] % tracker-tag -l ..../ISO_IEC_9899_1999.pdf
 | ..../ISO_IEC_9899_1999.pdf: programming c iso iec standard
 | [pts/6,0,0] m tau [tracker] % tracker-tag -l
 | [pts/6,0,0] m tau [tracker] %

It seems like the stored procedure 'GetKeywordList' returns nothing usable.

My tracker version is from svn, r663.

Kind regards, Marcus

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