Re: [Tracker] Small problem with Dapper packages

2007/1/29, Hezekiah M. Carty <hcarty atmos umd edu>:
I am using the packages listed on the Tracker website
( and have found a small problem.
Since Ubuntu Dapper's SQLite packages aren't thread safe, building
against them causes problems with Tracker's indexing.

The solution I've found is to remove the "--enable-external-sqlite"
line from the debian/rules file.  After removing this line, the
bundled SQLite is used and everything seems to work properly.

Thank you very much for providing this package!  It makes keeping
up with the latest Tracker release much easier.  I just wanted to
point this out in case other people are still using Dapper and have
run in to this problem.

the Dapper sqlite packages are built with --enable-threadsafe, so they
should be fine.
I tested them briefly in a dapper chroot environment and they worked for me.
The only problem I can see, is that the dapper's sqlite version is
older than the one inlined in tracker.
Jamie, does tracker use any specific features of sqlite, which are not
in 3.2.8 (sqlite version in dapper)?


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