Re: [Tracker] Problems retrieving results from Tracker

Jamie McCracken wrote:
Jason Smith wrote:

I have installed Tracker 0.5.4 on Ubuntu 6.06 from sources. The Tracker daemon works fine, it indexes the folders I have specified.

However I have problems getting any results. The GUI search tool does not retrieve any results and when I try to run a query with the command line tool I get the following error:

/tracker-search: internal tracker error: The name org.freedesktop.Tracker was not provided by any .service files
I checked the folder " /usr/share/dbus-1/services/" and the file "tracker.service" is present there.
/Any ideas how to fix the problem ?

first are there other service files there?

do you have another version of dbus installed in /usr/local say?

(try running "which dbus-launch")

also if the daemon is running then no service files are needed (they are only needed to auto activate the service if its not running)


to answer your questions:

- there are other .service files there. A list in /usr/share/dbus-1/services/
gives me the following list:

gaim.service                 org.gnome.Banshee.service
gnome-power-manager.service  org.gnome.Rhythmbox.service
notification-daemon.service  tracker.service

- I checked /usr/local and /usr/local/share but did not find any other dbus directory

- "which dbus-launch" gives me the output /usr/bin/dbus-launch


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