Re: [Tracker] Tracker indexing mailboxes. When?

Any news on the status of this?

It looks like mailbox/evolution indexing will be something people may
complain about on the ddl new modules discussion thread

On 12/21/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Javier Arantegui wrote:
> Hello,
> Any news about tracker indexing mailboxes? Especially maildir ones.
> Today I've found that Beagle has stopped indexing my emails (I don't
> know why) and it doesn't find many of the ones it had index. I'm
> having a pretty bad time searching through my thousands stored emails.
> It would be great to know, at least, that an alternative is coming.

Im hoping to ship a new version of tracker today with our new metadata
engine which will make supporting emails easier

I hope to have email support within a week or two.

Mr Jamie McCracken

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