Re: [Tracker] kio-find: a tracker KDE frontend

Erlend Davidson ha scritto:
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
Perhaps even a screencast to show of the ridicolously fast Tracker 0.5.4?

Actually, I do notice tracker 0.5.4 being a lot faster, except for the 
first search I do with it each day... I start it up for the first time 
and search, then my cpu going to 100% for about 1minute and t-s-t 
becomes unresponsive for that time.  After that it's fine.

Is this bug known about?

I'm using tracker compiled without fam support, so it uses inotify.

Is tracker already running?

If tracker is not running the first search launch the daemon through a
d-bus request.
That's why the first search is really slow. The tracker starting takes times

Then the trackerd daemon is running and every search should be faster.

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