Re: [Tracker] 0.6.4 ready for final testing

2007/12/10, jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
Latest svn now contains the intended release for 0.6.4

there are a few minor things I need to add to TST and the applet which I
will do tomorrow but everything else is finished and ready for testing

I intent to release by midnight monday

Things to test:
I still encounter the problem, that if both tracker-applet *and*
trackerd are started by gnome-session (via /etc/xdg/autostart),
trackerd keeps stuck in the
Initializing state (that's what tracker-status reports).

According to jamie this is a race condition between tracker-applet
trying to access trackerd (and causing a dbus autolauched trackerd
instance) and trackerd started by gnome-session.
A short wait time in tracker-applet is said to circumvent this race
condition somehow.
Unfortunately I couldn't find this place in tracker-applet sources and
see if increasing this wait time helps.

Any other ideas how to solve this (letting users manually configure
the startup sequence number in gnome-session-properties is not an
option imho).

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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