[Tracker] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: chat with jamie]]]

Thanks moving to list for others to see/comment

Also compnerd has a tracker-monitor applet but have not seen source for
it but would be nice to compare so we can decide how to proceed (IE
which one to use and adapt or whether to merge them)


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Rick Ju <Rick Ju Sun COM>
To: jamie <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: chat with jamie]]
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:28:39 +0800

Hi, Jamie,

Here is the prototype.  

Modified files: ($cd trunk; gpatch -p0 < tracker-status-icon.diff; )

Added files:



jamie wrote: 
On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 12:06 +0100, jamie wrote:
On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 18:11 +0800, Rick Ju wrote:
Hi, Jamie,

I'm writing a docklet prototype for tracker. Jerry said it has a higher 
priority in your list. What I got now is a simple prototype. It is 
implemented using gtk_status_icon(requiring gtk 2.11).  A popup menu 
includes perferences, search, about, and stats. Almost same as 
applet.py.  Any input or requirement?
pretty much

also must satisfy this requirement urgently:

I will add dbus api to allow pausing of tracker indexing shortly

Should use libnotify to indicate following to user:

1) indexing for the first time (warn this might take a long time) and
inform user can click here to set options or pause it. I will add status
initial-indexing to trackers status shortly

2) Initial indexing has finished. I will add dbus signal to indicate
change in state

thanks for working on this - we need this done in about two weeks mind
you to make tribe 6 of ubuntu. If you cannot meet that deadline then let
me know and I wills ee what I can do...

I hope to have all the tracker deamon changes over the weekend so you
can complete the status icon

let me know if you need more info


also note that one of our devs had an early notification thing that was
never committed - I have asked him to provide us with source.

If its any good I will commit it into tracker svn and we will be able to
work out what needs doing



Attachment: tracker-status-icon.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

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