[Tracker] deskbar-handler for deskbar 2.18 and below.


as my deskbar handler fixes are still not committed ;) here is once
again an updated patch. I still found lots of things that had to be
fixed, such as development files being categorized as 'normal' files.

Application launching is now independent of any user apps like
xdg-open and co. I am just launching the .desktop file with the trick
I learned from the new deskbar ;). This is now working also for
applications having the Terminal option set.

I finished to cleanup the code, moved some definitions to fit the new
code. Seems to run fine here.

As before the patch to the current svn tracker-handler and the
tracker-handler.py itself is attached. I hope there aren't that many
bugs left, anyone having tracker+deskbar: please test it ;).

Cheers, Marcus

Attachment: tracker-handler-2.18.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: tracker-handler.py
Description: Text Data

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