Re: [Tracker] Why Tracker & Tracker preferences two different tools?

On 8/3/07, shirish <shirishag75 gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,
      First of all congratulations on Tracker 0.6.0 & it looks great.
One thing though on Ubuntu/Xubuntu gutsy we have 2 different tools on
the GUI mode, namely :-

tracker-search-tool and tracker-preferences , While on Ubuntu the tool
is supposed to be in Applications > Accessories (atleast in xubuntu it
is, haven't been able to log into Ubuntu for few days due to some bug)
while the preferences part in System > preferences. (oddly named as
Indexing Preferences with a reddish looking icon), anyways the moot
question is why the tool is in this two different places. Is this by
design or what? To my mind it would have been better to have Tracker

That menu-app sorting thing is distribution specific isn't it?
Anyways, this stuff can be consolidated with a generall applet (that
covers trackerd, search and prefs), which is not yet done :).

Cheers, Marcus

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