[Tracker] Automatically setting tags for Doc.Keywords metadata

Hey -

What do you think about this patch?  If trackerd finds Doc.Keywords
embeded in a file, it'll automatically adds those keywords to
tracker's tag list.  If you like, I can update it for File.Keywords
and Imag.Keywords.

Quick dump of tracker.log as an example:

Extracting Metadata for *existing* file
/home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with mime
Doc.Author = Scott Pakin <scott+clsl pakin org>
Doc.Keywords = symbols, LaTeX, typesetting, accents, mathematical,
scientific, dingbats
Doc.Title = The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
Doc.PageCount = 111
Doc.Subject = List of thousands of symbols available to LaTeX documents
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "symbols"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "LaTeX"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "typesetting"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "accents"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "mathematical"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "scientific"
Auto-tagging /home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf with "dingbats"

#  tracker-tag -l symbols-letter.pdf
/home/eduffy/Desktop/LaTeX/symbols-letter.pdf: LaTeX accents dingbats
mathematical scientific symbols typesetting

Attachment: tracker-auto-tag.patch
Description: Text Data

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