Re: [Tracker] Versioning system? (WAS: Re: [Patch] Tracker deb and libc6 in Debian Etch)

2006/10/30, Ulrik Mikaelsson <ulrik mikaelsson gmail com>:
> I added the docs directory last night with the man pages - you
> will need to do a fresh checkout to see it (for some reason I dont
> understand with cvs)
About that, being what seems to might become a frequent patch submitter for tracker I wonder whether there are any plans to migrate tracker to something more, erm, pleasant, than CVS? (SVN, Darcs, Bzr, Git, Mercurial, almost even Sourcesafe is nicer than CVS. ;) )

As a sidenote, does anyone know of a cvs equivalent to "svn status" (To see exactly which files in my working copy differ from the BASE revision?)

"cvs diff -uN" ?


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