Re: [Tracker] [Patch] for older glib support

Richard Quirk wrote:
Not sure if this is something that is viable, but apart from Ubuntu
6.06, I have opensuse 10 installed on another pc. It has an older
version of glib (2.8.1) as well as other conifgure-ed libraries.

The attached patch adds a new .h file with a couple of macro wrappers
(tracker_new, tracker_free) around g_slice* and if the version of glib
is < 2.10 (which according to the docs is where g_slice was added) then
uses g_new and g_free. I've limited to 2.8.1 since that is
the version used in Suse 10 and don't know if it'd work with older glibs.

The changes are not extensive and the more people that can compile
successfully the merrier, even if they aren't perhaps on the cutting
edge. But as I say, feel free to tell me to get lost if this is not
something that anyone'd want to maintain.

I dont want to tell you to get lost but supporting older or ancient systems is probably not going to be worthwhile with the latest or future version of tracker . A lot of new code is now using g_slice stuff etc so you are going to have no option but to upgrade your OS if you want to run the latest and greatest software

tracker-0.0.4 does not use that so it might be more appropriate to use that instead on the older machine if upgrading is out of the question?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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