[Tracker] invalid field causes trackerd to quit


when I call Files.GetMetadataForFilesInFolder with an invalid field
(like "name" instead of "File.Name"), trackerd shuts down quietly.

Example in Ruby:
reply = files_interface.GetMetadataForFilesInFolder(-1,
"/home/peterpan/Desktop", ["name"])

The DBus bindings I'm using (QtRuby for Qt4.2) are not yet well testet
so it might be due to these bindings. But trackerd shouldn't crash
whatever input it gets.

I guess there are some argument checks missing.

Peter Rullmann <peter AT p4n.net>     http://p4n.net     [ICQ: 22931645]
Richard-Wagner-Str. 72, 66111 Saarbruecken, Germany.     +49/681/9388281

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