Re: [Tracker] Fix for segfault

On 10/5/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:
Marcus Fritzsch wrote:
> Hello there.
> With the new tracker I always encountered a segfault with some db code.
>    tracker_db_get_field_def
> can return NULL but
>    tracker_metadata_is_date
> in src/trackerd/tracker-db.c:591 dereferences a field in this
> structure w/o checking for NULL.

thanks have fixed in cvs

When thinking about it a second time --- is that behaviour really ok
that way? It does prevent the segfault, but it is not a 'sane'
behaviour i think. The exact log context from such an assertion
failure is the following:

05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:647 - Image.Date = 2004:03:11 19:31:56
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:647 - [Invalid UTF-8] Image.Creator = \xd8ystein Stoveland
sistemare specular zanna9 - Image.Description =
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:679 - Image.Width = 607
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:679 - Image.Software = Adobe Photoshop 7.0
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:680 - Image.Height = 1220
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:680 - Image.Orientation = top - left
05 Oct 2006, 21:15:03:740 - tracker_metadata_is_date: assertion `def
!= NULL' failed

The really disturbing 'Invalid UTF-8' comes from a library call? From
the UTF-8 conversion? I have not looked in too deep with this, I am
not sure if this will cause some problems later on.

So, the question is, are there any complications from this UTF-8
thing? Is this known to someone?

Rgds, Marcus

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