Re: [Tracker] Updated To do for next version

Edward Duffy wrote:
On 10/1/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk> wrote:

1) Remove libextractor by implementing the last few extractors (lidgsf
for msoffice and re using the extractors for gif and tiff in libextractor)

Here's a patch for libgsf.  Tested with word and powerpoint.

Thas great - thanks.

Have added to cvs.

Just mp3 and other image files left to do

I think for image files (gif, tiff and others) we might want to use imageMagick's identify command to get the dimensions (especially if libexif and libpng are not present as we can fallback on this too)


identify -format "%wx%h"   sample.jpg

this will allow us to get the Image.Width and Image.Height by parsing stdout. We also dont need a hard dependency on ImageMagicks stuff.

It can also be used to get comments embedded and other stuff like resolutions in image :

identify -format "%c"   sample.jpg


for format options

Mr Jamie McCracken

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