[Tracker] Fwd: Thanks for Tracker! ...and a wish

Forwarding your e-mail to the official tracker list.
I am not the developer of Tracker,  Jamie McCracken (http://jamiemcc.livejournal.com/) is. I just did the initial design of the current webpage.
~Peter VK

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bart <bart neeneenee de>
Date: Nov 30, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Thanks for Tracker! ...and a wish
To: peter vk gmail com

Hello Peter,

thanks for programming Tracker which is a great tool!

I'm working a lot with realtime 3D using the open standard X3D (former
known as VRML): www.web3d.org. It would be nice if these files could be
indexed by Tracker too. VRML and X3D files are textfiles and can be
compressed using GZip.

VRML include meta information in the worldinfo node:
Extensions of VRML files are wrl and wrz (for compresssed files)

X3D, the successor of VRML, can be written in XML syntax or the old VRML
syntax. In both syntax it can save meta information in WorldInfo node or
in meta data nodes (head section):
See http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#meta

About binary encoding of X3D:

About file extensions of X3D:

X3D Example:

It would be nice if Tracker could index these files. I can provide any
help with it. If you like to support it would be a pleasure for me
answer your questions.



Peter Vander Klippe

Conestoga College: ITAL
Bachelor of Applied Technology
Architecture: Project and Facility Management

Phone: 905-659-6598
E-mail: peter vk gmail com
Address: 107A Freelton Road // Freelton ON  L0R 1V0

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