Re: [Tracker] Tracker logo (was: Some observations about tracker 0.5.2)

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
2006/11/23, tpgww onepost net <mailto:tpgww onepost net> <tpgww onepost net <mailto:tpgww onepost net>>:

    9. A while back there was some chatter about a replacement icon. Has
    anything been done ? If not, maybe the attached will start that ball

By coincidence I was playing around with an icon myself... The attached version is still rough around the edges and need some more polish. If people like it I'll polish it up and do some versions in different colors.

It is supposed to look like and abstract looking glass and flashlight at the same time... I hope it is relatively easy to see...

Anyhow; what do you think?

we should have a magnifying glass but not sure about flash light. At the moment it looks like some kind of klingon symbol :) (hehe no offense!)

Using the tango magnifying glass might be a start (IE the one we are using in tracker and its webpage with a simple "T" in it). Im sure that can be sexed up a lot more

Mr Jamie McCracken

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