Re: [Tracker] Prerelease QtFrontend

2006/11/22, Eugenio <me eugesoftware com>:
I have finished first "release" of my QtFrontend with python :-)

For now the program use external icon(not current kde icon) because I want
to have only python-qt library for dependency(python-kde = 30mb)

When I translate this front-end to C++ the kde integration will be better :-)

The program try to open all files with konqueror but I'm implementing "Open With"

I don't know about KDE, but Gnome has a commanline tool, as well as an API for opening an uri with the default app. Maybe if KDE has a similar commandline tool you can use that with no memory overhead..?

In gnome the tool is called gnome-open. Also the Portland project has something going on in this area, see: , that would be the desktop neutral way of doing things.

Infact, I just checked. In Ubuntu Edgy you can install the package "xdg-utils", and xdg-open will be available. I think it won't be long before xdg-* is installed by default on all distros to ensure portability.


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