Re: [Tracker] Qt Front End

2006/11/20, Eugenio <me eugesoftware com>:
I'm writing a qt front-end for tracker  with python  it use  the dbus  interface for
search files,I want to implement a text extract like gnome tracker 's gui...

I think to use this dbus function:
but I have error message because this function it's not implemented!!!

How do that the gnome front-end?

Well, I've not written the current Gnome front end, but I've written several other Gnome front ends :-D I guess you want to use org.freedesktop.Tracker.Search.Text (or perhaps TextDetailed). Just pass -1 as the live_query_id. The API ref is here:

Is a good idea this qt front-end?

Heck, yeah! This is really needed :-D


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